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Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer review

Hype for the summer blockbusters of 2015 officially begin now that the teaser trailer for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" has hit the web. Jeremy gives you his tho...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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November 12, 2014 at 6:11 PM

it was a very underwhelming trailer, mainly due to the fact that it
reinforced the truth which is that avengers to is basically filler until
avengers 3. Ultron's cgi looked very weird and unfinished. It just seemed
so..."let's put deep music over this trailer for no reason other than to
make this movie darker that it will turn out to be".

November 12, 2014 at 6:59 PM

Man, I'm glad I never got into comic books. It seems to turn most people
who read them into the most nitpicky people ever. I don't like Ultron's
eyes. He has eyebrows! So the fuck what. God Dam. A really good teaser
trailer to get you pumped comes out and you are focus on the damned
villains eyes? Give me a break. It's not a movies job to literally just
transplant source material onto the screen. They have to do little things
to make it their own. Everything doesn't need to look or be like it is in
the comics. Different does not have to equal bad.

November 12, 2014 at 7:09 PM

I only just now realized just how bad Cap's shield being broken is. That
thing is supposed to be unbreakable. THOR'S FUCKING HAMMER couldn't even
crack it! What in the blue perfect hell does Ultron have in his arsenal
that the God of Thunder doesn't?

Michael Brown
November 12, 2014 at 7:46 PM

I loved this trailer and I loved the fx they used for quicksilver. It's
much more accurate then that God like version in xmen: DOFP. He damn near
stopped time when he moved and He was just a teenager. Imagine when he's in
his prime. When he walks, you won't be able to see him. I loved that scene
at the time. But true comic book fans know what I'm saying is right. Even
if you only watched the cartoons. You know he didn't move that fast. And
how in the hell was he able to listen to music? Maybe he was fast
forwarding it. It's to many fans bashing avengers version because of one
good scene. It's probably the same people bashing DOFP version because how
he looked before it came out.

Luke M
November 12, 2014 at 8:44 PM

The shots in that trailer look lame and generic. It's like a Transformer
film with a slower pace. The Days of Future Past trailer had more depth and
substance than all of the MCU movies since Iron Man. This movie will be a
glossy toy commercial and nothing more.

Devon Henry
November 12, 2014 at 9:04 PM

Got damn it where is Magnito when you need him. He could sort this ultron
shit out in two seconds. 

November 12, 2014 at 9:28 PM

I know nothing of the comics, but what if Ultron is actually Jarvis turned
evil. He finally broke free of Tony's control and is making the whole world
pay for it, hence the quote, "now I'm free, I've got no strings on me."
It's just a theory but I'm interested to see what other people think of it.

November 12, 2014 at 10:05 PM

A general thought on those trailer "reviews". I don't think it should be
Jeremy's job to hype a movie which hasn't even been released and he hasn't
seen yet.
I'm not saying his views aren't honest, or even that it's a paid promotion.
But it's the same issue as in games media. Products get hyped by such sites
as ign, without them having it played.
I find it to be a slippery slope for a reviewer. However, I still enjoy
watching these videos most of the time.

Ziad Salem
November 12, 2014 at 10:25 PM

U r despicable, dude....why u talk this way?

November 12, 2014 at 10:43 PM

Wait, isn't this setting up for Black Panther, since Cap's shield is
broken, and the shield is made from Vibranium...

November 12, 2014 at 11:06 PM

Damn this movie looks serious as hell. I was one of the people that thought
avengers was ok not the amazing thing people said it was. Mostly because it
was to simple and a little to fun for me. BUt this actually looks dark and

November 12, 2014 at 11:39 PM

I thought the trailer was fan-fucking-tastic, but I'm still in a tizzy over
the fact that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are in this, and 20th Century
Fox and Marvel can't make a crossover happen :(

November 13, 2014 at 12:04 AM

That was the most epic trailer I've ever seen. This is why Marvel Dominates
at the box office because they know how to set up multiple movies in just
one movie.
DC is NEVER going to come anywhere close to Marvel's cinematic universe and
that's a shame because I'm a big DC fan but at this point they'll NEVER
have the success that Marvel's had

November 13, 2014 at 12:43 AM

Interesting this came out just days after DC's reveal of it's movie lineup.

Yugi Muto
November 13, 2014 at 1:08 AM

I can't see how Avengers Quicksilver will be better than the X-men one.

Dominik Santiago
November 13, 2014 at 2:05 AM

When DC says that Carrie Kelly is going to be in Batman vs Superman nobody
panics because no one gives a shit but if Marvel releases a little ol
trailer of the Avengers Age of Ultron then everyone just loses their minds.
The joker was right. 

ShadyMan OG
November 13, 2014 at 2:53 AM

Only thing I didn't like was that Ultron looks way too human. Should have
stuck with this classic:

Edgar Chavez
November 13, 2014 at 3:35 AM

The trailer was okay, it didn't get me anywhere near as excited as Jeremy.
Then again, I didn't get excited over the original Avengers trailer either
and that turned out to be a lot of fun to watch.

One concern for me though... I wasn't blown away by James Spader as
Ultron, it didn't quite fit the character to me. But maybe that's only
because I just finished binge watching Blacklist so I couldn't hear his
voice without picturing his face.

November 13, 2014 at 4:14 AM

It's just because I am a fan of the show. But after seeing this trailer
(which was awesome). I am also really wondering how Agents of SHIELD is
gonna tie into this. And since both Robert Downey Jr and Jeremy Renner said
they would love to star on the show some time, I might think it might be
around the time Age of Ultron is released. Just really curious. And on the
side-note. If the show gets a third season, just imagine what the impact of
Cap 3 is gonna be.

November 13, 2014 at 4:30 AM

I don't like how they gave him eyebrows. I think Ultron should be
expressionless like in the comics. That's what made him awesome. Ultron
shows no fear, no hate, no disdain. He simply does his duty, whether that
is to fuck the avengers up or lock the world down. PLEASE DON'T MESS HIM

November 13, 2014 at 4:34 AM

This trailer was super underwhelming... The dark and creepy song should NOT
have been paired with the actiony shots of the Hulkbuster scene, it really
just defused my hype

Elijah T
November 13, 2014 at 4:50 AM

The trailer was released by Marvel. Marvel was sick of the. constant fake

Jared Carter
November 13, 2014 at 5:15 AM

I'm really hoping Ultron has better reasons than "destroy all humans". I'm
kinda tired of AIs that turn on people, and I want to be able to feel for

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